Inspire – Day 349 – Grinch

Which version of the Grinch is your favorite?

So sorry Dr. Seuss but I never cared for the Grinch story until 2000 when Jim Carrey played the part. Mr. Carrey is insanely talented but I can’t fathom him in any other role. He is forever Mr. Grinch to me.

Do you have a Grinch in your life? Someone who steals your joy? Someone who can turn the happiest occasion into a sad situation? Someone who is never happy no matter what you or anyone else does or doesn’t do? I’m fairly confident everyone has at least one. I’m so sorry to those of you who have more than one.

How do we respond to our Grinches? I worked with someone who was a Grinch. Never happy. Always grumpy. I decided to shower them with love (when I really wanted to punch them.) I left encouraging notes on their desk and gave sincere compliments when appropriate. Slowly, they began to warm up and acted a bit nicer and a little kinder. We never became close friends but they weren’t such a big pain in the office. I think they were lacking love and kindness in their life and therefore lashed out the first person available.

Mr. Grinch was grouchy and mean because he had been hurt and reacted by hurting others. When shown love, he grew kinder and more loving. Love tends to do that. Love is a healing balm to a breaking heart. Everyone needs someone to love and to love someone – a dear friend, a relative or a spouse. The Grinch said, “Bleeding hearts of the world unite.” Unite is what we can do in the name of the One who showed the greatest love. Jesus was hurt by those He died to save. That is a love like no other.

But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you”  Luke 6:27-28

“If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you” Proverbs 25:21-22

May we love others even and especially the Grinches in our lives. Heaven help us not be a Grinch.

Christmas cheering you on!

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